4 stereographs (photoprints) : albumen, b&w; 100 x 178 mm.
Views of the Sierra Nevada Mountains: includes mountain and lake views including Mts. Hoffman, Lincoln, Tallac and Donner Peak; Angeline, Crystal, Donner and Fallen Leaf Lakes, including views of boaters and communities near the lakes; views of stage stops along wagon roads over the Sierras including Slippery Ford House, Zurr's Station, Dutch Flat and the North American Hotel, including two winter scenes; views show wagons, hotels, bars and lodging houses, including men outside "The Palmetto House" and standing in the door of a "bar room" at Webster's station; views of people horse packing; a pack train near a miner's cabin on the American River, laundry hanging on a line; an emigrant train with covered wagons in the Strawberry Valley; Main Street in Silver Mountain; Summit and Bear Valleys, Bloody and Yuba Canyons; two views of the Mokelumne River and Amador Canal, supplying water to San Francisco; Colfax: views of Central Pacific railroad including trains, sidings, water tower, snow sheds, Truckee stations and possibly Cisco and a group of Chinese workers on handcar with one Euro-American, trains at Emigrant Gap, in snow sheds and in stations.
Alternative title
American scenery, Pacific Rail Road.
American views.
Photographic Views of American Scenery, 512 519, 538.