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Explore our collection of hundreds of online resources and databases to help with your research, whether it’s finding an article, tracing a family tree, learning a new language, or more.

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  • A researcher sits at a table in the Rose Main Reading Room with an open laptop.

    A–Z Databases by Title & Subject

    Find primary and scholarly sources with this searchable A–Z list.

  • Two researchers sit at a wooden table looking at a laptop together.

    Online Magazines & Journals

    Browse thousands of online publications via title, author, subject, and more.

  • Two people sit at computers inside the Library for the Performing Arts.

    Research Guides

    Guides by our expert staff that will point you to the best resources.

  • A researcher using a computer smiles toward the camera.

    Research Catalog

    Search millions of items in NYPL's Research Collections.

Featured Online Resources

  • Photo of the cover of Crazy Blues, featuring a blue-toned photo of Mamie Smith and her Jazz Hounds.

    RIPM Jazz Periodicals

    Discover articles, reviews, illustrations, and advertisements from jazz publications spanning the early 20th century to the early 21st century. 

  • Front page of a 1936 edition of The New York Times, featuring theatre news.


    Browse the largest online newspaper archive consisting of more than 300 million pages of historical newspapers from around the world.

  • Mango Languages

    Learn a new language with this interactive database that provides step by step lesson plans for 71 different languages.

  • A researcher uses a desktop computer in a computer lab setting with other users just out of focus.

    Humanities International Complete

    Explore scholarly publications covering archaeology, classical studies, performing arts, philosophy, and more.

Highlights from NYPL's Research Guides

  • researchers in Rose Main Reading Room

    Using NYPL's E-Resources

    Learn how to use databases, searchable newspapers, writing aids, and other resources at all of NYPL's Research Centers.

  • Historic comic book cover featuring a fight between Muhammad Ali and Superman.

    Black Comics & Graphic Novels

    Discover this collection featuring criticism, commentary and history at the Schomburg Center.

  • Historic, colorized collage photo of two people balancing on a string between old candlestick telephones.

    Find a Song

    Get started in your search for that famous or little-known song at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts.

  • Historic illustration of NYC's City Hall area.

    New York City Newspapers

    Explore one of the country's largest collections of NYC newspapers, including neighborhood and metro area newspapers.


Additional Research Tools