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Westchester County Archives

A database of public records created by the local government of Westchester County, New York (1680-present).

All Branch LibrariesBronx Library CenterSchomburg Center for Research in Black CultureSt. George Library CenterStavros Niarchos Foundation Library (SNFL)Stephen A. Schwarzman BuildingThe New York Public Library for the Performing ArtsThomas Yoseloff Business Center
<p>The Westchester County Records and Archives Center is the central repository for public records from 1680 to the present. Through the Westchester County Archives site a researcher can access a guide to the collections, request assistance via e-mail, and the following online indexes:</p> <p>Cemetary Records (Veterans) 1935-1939</p> <p>Court Records, 1768-1912</p> <p>Incorporation Records, 1876-1914</p> <p>Marriage Records, 1908-1930</p> <p>Naturalization Records, 1808-1927</p> <p>School Reports, 1828-1968 (gaps)</p>