Learning Aids for Middle School
Find resources on core school subjects in our extensive online databases, which feature e-books, videos, lesson plans, and more.
E-Books and Core Subject Resources
Bring history to life with video clips and e-books, with popup features such as maps, timelines, virtual tour clips, primary source videos, and audio clips. (Grades 4–9)
An interactive science tool, with videos, articles, and suggested activities. Topics include: Earth Science, Health and Human Body, Physical Science, Technology, Math, and Engineering. (Grades 4–9)
A collection of videos and books in a variety of different categories including e-books, read-alongs, graphic novels, videos, and audiobooks. (Grades 6–12)
Online resource that gives nonfiction books and videos on various topics. Also includes project ideas, suggested activities, and links to related websites. (Grades 3–7)
TumbleBooks Library
Includes animated talking picture books, story books, and books in other languages, puzzles, and games. (Grades PreK–6)
Research Assignments and Projects
Explora Middle School
Search a variety of subjects, including the arts, current events, geography, history, literature, science, and math. (Grades 6–8)
Britannica Academic
Offers Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, world atlas and country comparison, news and magazine articles, primary sources, images and video. Select School Edition for all grades (PreK–12) and all reading abilities. Select articles by reading level and listen along to the text. You can use Escolar Online for accurate and age-appropriate content in Spanish for native Spanish speakers, bilingual students, and students learning Spanish.
Scholastic GO
Nonfiction content that includes eight encyclopedia databases, videos, leveled text, newspapers, and vetted websites. (Grades 3–8)
World Book Online Reference Center
Select Kids link (with balloon icon) to explore different topics, with pictures, articles, games, science projects, maps, and more. Includes features to listen along to the text. (Grades K–6)
Activities with NYPL: Middle School
Find a wide range of in-person and online activities to stay engaged while learning.
Back to School with NYPL
The New York Public Library is here to support kids of all ages, educators, and parents and caregivers with an array of programs and resources, both in person and online. Discover what we’re doing for kids and teens as New Yorkers return to school this fall—plus books, free homework help, learning tools, and fun, engaging activities to help you develop all your skills.