Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library (SNFL)
455 Fifth Avenue
Fifth Floor
New York, NY 10016
Fully Accessible
Open today
10 AM–6 PM
Thomas Yoseloff Business Center
Day Date Hours
Monday 2/17 CLOSED
Tuesday 2/18 8 AM–9 PM
Wednesday 2/19 8 AM–9 PM
Thursday 2/20 8 AM–9 PM
Friday 2/21 8 AM–8 PM
Saturday 2/15 10 AM–6 PM
Sunday 2/16 10 AM–6 PM

The Thomas Yoseloff Business Center at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library (SNFL) is The New York Public Library’s premier business library, offering an array of free resources for those interested in personal finance and investing, small business, financial research, and career services. It also provides premium electronic resources and services for businesses of all sizes, from start-ups to established businesses seeking expansion, and for job seekers, from entry to executive levels.

Visiting the Business Center

The circulating book collections and business research open-shelf collections are available to anyone who visits the Business Center. The Business Center also offers WiFi for access to e-books and for research onsite.

Database Computers are available to access the Center’s premium electronic databases for research in business, finance, and market research.  We recommend that you book a virtual consultation with a business librarian who will assist you in choosing the best databases for your research needs. 

You must make a reservation to use our Bloomberg Terminals. To make a  reservation in advance for up to two hours, please email us at or call 212-592-7057. 

Some specialized databases are available only onsite in the Business Center, and others only through a consultation with a librarian. While advance appointments aren’t required for accessing all resources, we recommend that you book a virtual consultation with one of our librarians if you have questions about doing research on any business or financial topic.

Please email us at or call 212-592-7057 with additional queries.

Bloomberg Terminals

Interior photo of the Thomas Yoseloff Business Center featuring a long table with Bloomberg Terminals and a person studying data at one of the terminals in the foreground.

Bloomberg Professional offers financial markets pricing, data, analytics, and news. You must make a reservation to use our Bloomberg Terminals. To make a  reservation in advance for up to two hours, please email us at or call 212-592-7057.


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Thomas Yoseloff Business Center: Virtual Services