Small Business Services Directory

Use the search fields below to find hundreds of organizations in New York City that can provide you with help in starting or running your small business. Included in this searchable database are programs which offer business advice, loans, grants, location assistance, and a wide range of other services for small businesses throughout the city — often at no cost or for a low fee.

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Affiliated with the New York City Department of Labor, Workforce1 Career Centers are a one-stop shop for employers and jobseekers. Services to businesses may include human resources consulting, job-candidate screening and customized training for employees. For jobseekers services include resume and interview preparation, job-search coaching and access to educational and training opportunities. NYC Workforce1 Career Centers are located in all 5 boroughs see separate program listings for additional information.

Affiliated with the New York City Department of Labor, Workforce1 Career Centers are a one-stop shop for employers and jobseekers. Services to businesses may include human resources consulting, job-candidate screening and customized training for employees. For jobseekers services include resume and interview preparation, job-search coaching and access to educational and training opportunities. NYC Workforce1 Career Centers are located in all 5 boroughs see separate program listings for additional information.

Affiliated with the New York City Department of Labor, Workforce1 Career Centers are a one-stop shop for employers and jobseekers. Services to businesses may include human resources consulting, job-candidate screening and customized training for employees. For jobseekers services include resume and interview preparation, job-search coaching and access to educational and training opportunities. NYC Workforce1 Career Centers are located in all 5 boroughs see separate program listings for additional information.

Affiliated with the New York City Department of Labor, Workforce1 Career Centers are a one-stop shop for employers and jobseekers. Services to businesses may include human resources consulting, job-candidate screening and customized training for employees. For jobseekers services include resume and interview preparation, job-search coaching and access to educational and training opportunities. NYC Workforce1 Career Centers are located in all 5 boroughs. See separate program listings for additional information.

Affiliated with the New York City Department of Labor, Workforce1 Career Centers are a one-stop shop for employers and jobseekers. Services to businesses may include human resources consulting, job-candidate screening and customized training for employees. For jobseekers services include resume and interview preparation, job-search coaching and access to educational and training opportunities. NYC Workforce1 Career Centers are located in all 5 boroughs see separate program listings for additional information.

Workforce1 Career Centers are a one-stop shop for employers and jobseekers. Services to businesses may include human resources consulting, job-candidate screening and customized training for employees. For jobseekers services include resume and interview preparation, job-search coaching and access to educational and training opportunities. NYC Workforce1 Career Centers are located in all 5 boroughs see separate program listings for additional information.

Workforce1 helps New Yorkers prepare for, and connect to, jobs across New York City's five boroughs and in every sector of the economy.

Through our Virtual Workforce1 Career Center system, we can connect you via web or phone (within one to two business days) to one-on-one help from professionals who can help you:

  • Identify jobs that are a fit for your experience and skills
  • Prepare for interviews
  • Access free training

To connect with us, please fill up this online form:

Workforce1  helps New Yorkers prepare for, and connect to, jobs across New York City's five boroughs and in every sector of the economy.

Through their virtual Virtual Workforce1 Career Center System, the Centers can connect you via web or phone (within one to two business days) to one-on-one help from professionals who can help you:

  • Identify jobs that are fit for your experience and skills
  • Prepare for interviews
  • Access free training

All Center services are no-cost and do not require in-person visits.

Walk-in locations available in Upper Manhattan, Brooklyn and The Bronx.

Founded in 1966 in Harlem New York by Walter Geier and Mallalieu Woolfolk, the Workshop in Business Opportunities (WIBO) is a private non-profit organization that is committed to assisting men and women with the drive to become successful entrepreneurs.

WIBO’s mission is to enable small business owners and budding entrepreneurs from underserved communities to obtain financial success by starting, operating, and building successful businesses that develop economic power, provide jobs and improve communities

Our flagship program is the WIBO 16-Week Workshop, “How to Build a Growing Profitable Business.” Upon completion of the Workshop, WIBO Alumni have access to additional resources including business coaching, mentoring, webinars, networking, and other business support services.

