LGBT: The Animals: Love Letters Between Christopher Isherwood and Don Bachardy
Christopher Isherwood was the celebrated middle-aged English author of Goodbye to Berlin when he met the Californian teenager Don Bachardy on a Santa Monica beach in 1952. Defying convention, the two created an enduring relationship out of that initial spark—living as an openly gay couple for more than three decades in the closeted world of Hollywood. The Animals is the testimony in letters to their extraordinary partnership, which lasted until Isherwood’s death in 1986—despite a thirty-year age gap, affairs, jealousies, the pressures of literary fame, and the disdain of twentieth-century America for love between two men. In romantic letters to each other, they invented the private world of the Animals. Chris was Dobbin, a stubborn old workhorse; Don was a rash, spirited white kitten named Kitty. The ability to create a world, a safe and separate milieu, was a great talent of Isherwood’s—and a necessary one as a gay man in mid-twentieth-century America. But Isherwood knew how to spread hay around his stable and attract beauty. He drew Bachardy into his semisecret realm and together they invented a place for their love to thrive. Bold, transgressive, and playful, The Animals shows us the devotion between two creative spirits in tenderness and storms.
Please join us on Wednesday, May 14th at 7pm in the Wachenheim Trustee Room of the New York Public Library's Stephen A. Schwarzman Building as Don Bachardy reads from and discusses The Animals with Aaron Hicklin, editor-in-chief of Out magazine.
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