Paul Creswick (1866–1947)
N.C. (Newell Convers) Wyeth, illustrator
Robin Hood
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: David McKay, 1917
General Research Division
Robin Hood
In a career spanning more than 40 years, the American artist N.C. Wyeth created over 3,000 paintings and illustrated some 100 books, including Treasure Island, Rip Van Winkle, The Last of the Mohicans, and Robinson Crusoe. His illustrations for Robin Hood, featured in this celebrated 1917 edition published by David McKay, ably convey the adventure, romance, and heroics of the beloved English folktale. The New York Public Library holds the complete suite of Wyeth’s oil paintings that served as the basis for his Robin Hood illustrations; the painting corresponding to the one shown here is on display nearby.
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Items in Childhood
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