
The Library is here to help you learn and connect with your community through our wide array of free events, programs, classes, book clubs, and more. Please check listings to confirm if a program is in-person, online, or outdoors.

If you have any questions about the events listed below, please contact the branch for more information. See here for service updates at the Library.

Discover our wide array of free online events.


13 events found.

@ 3:30 PM
歡迎參加本館關於Pura Belpré的西英故事表演! Pura Belpré 是一位才華橫溢的作家、民間故事收藏家、木偶師和故事講述者,他創作並重新詮釋了波多黎各民間故事。 她的表演以講故事與木偶相結合的創意和互動體驗重現了她傳奇的“雙語故事時間”!適合學前班至三年級的小朋友及其照顧者。Join us for a bilingual performance of Pura Belpré! Pura Belpré was a talented author, collector of folktales, puppeteer, and storyteller who wrote and reinterpreted Puerto Rican folk tales. Her show is a re-enactment of her legendary “Bilingual Story Hour” in a creative and interactive experience that combines storytelling with puppets! Recommended for…
Chatham Square Library, Children's Story RoomChildren,

Pre-schoolers (3-5 years),

School Age (5-12 years),


Mon, April 22
@ 10:30 AM
Early Literacy
Let’s go on a journey! Every session we will visit and explore a new story and create our own musical adventure with Latin Grammy nominee Flor Bromley. The program is limited to 15 families. For children birth to age 5 and their caregivers. Programs are first come first served. Please arrive on time. Space is limited. PLEASE NOTE: Stroller parking is on the 2nd floor (the Children's Floor). Unfortunately, there is no elevator access from the front door to the 1st floor (Young Adult and Adult…
Chatham Square LibraryChildren,

Infant (0-18 months),

Toddlers (18-36 months),

Pre-schoolers (3-5 years)
Tue, April 23
@ 10:30 AM
Early Literacy
歡迎參加本館的中英故事時間!本館將會使用普通話和英語來講故事,唱活潑的歌曲和童謠。歡迎嬰兒到五歲的孩子以及看護者來參加。請記住,看護者與孩子在一起時,故事時間是最有效的。 無需註冊!Come join us for a Mandarin/English Bilingual Storytime filled with songs, stories, and purposeful play! Recommended for kids from birth to 5 years old with their caregivers. Remember storytime is most effective when caregivers are present with their child. No registration required! 請注意: 兒童車需要折好停放於二樓(兒童房)。遺憾的是,本館沒有電梯從大門直上二樓。所有兒童車都需要攜帶上前門樓梯然後直進一樓後面的電梯。我們無法保證工作人員能夠提供兒童車的幫助,並建議所有家長尋找代替兒童車的方法。PLEASE NOTE:…
Chatham Square LibraryChildren,

Toddlers (18-36 months),

Pre-schoolers (3-5 years),


Tue, April 23
@ 3:30 PM
Early Literacy
We've missed you! Come join the Chatham Square librarians for an arts and crafts program on every Tuesday! We'll be doing different fun arts & crafts activities weekly such as painting, drawing, collage and a lot more! Ideal for PreK & Preschool kids with their caregivers. Remember, arts & crafts program is most effective when caregivers are present with their child! We ask that both of you are present during the entire program, as unaccompanied adults or children will be asked to l…
Chatham Square Library, Community RoomChildren,

Toddlers (18-36 months),

Pre-schoolers (3-5 years),


Wed, April 24
@ 10:30 AM
Early Literacy
Come join the Chatham Square librarians for a live, in-person storytime every Wednesday of each month in the Storytime Room on our 3rd Floor! We'll be sharing songs, rhymes, and our favorite read-aloud books for the whole family. Ideal for young children with all ages with their caregivers. Remember, storytime is most effective when caregivers are present with their child! 請注意: 兒童車需要折好停放於二樓(兒童房)。遺憾的是,本館沒有電梯從大門直上二樓。所有兒童車都需要攜帶上前門樓梯然後直進一樓後面的電梯。我們無法保證工作人員能夠提供兒童車的幫助,並建議所有家長尋找代替兒童車的方法。PLEASE NOT…
Chatham Square Library, Children's Story RoomChildren,

Toddlers (18-36 months),

Pre-schoolers (3-5 years),


Thu, April 25
@ 10:30 AM
Early Literacy
日本語バイリンガルストーリータイムへようこそ!5歳までのお子様向けプログラムで、保護者の方のご参加をお願いいたします!一緒に絵本を読んだり、歌を歌って、楽しい時間を過ごしましょう!事前の申込みは必要ありません!お会いできるのを楽しみにしています! Come join us for a Japanese Bilingual Storytime filled with songs, stories, and purposeful play! Recommended for kids from birth to 5 years old with their caregivers. Remember storytime is most effective when caregivers are present with their child. No registration required! ご注意:ベビーカー置き場は2階(チルドレンズフロア)にございます。恐れ入りますが、正面玄関から1階(ヤングアダルトフロアとアダルトフロア)までは階段のみで、エレベーターはございません。1階奥にエ…
Chatham Square Library, Children's Story RoomChildren,

Infant (0-18 months),

Toddlers (18-36 months),

Pre-schoolers (3-5 years),

Fri, April 26
@ 3:30 PM
Surprise Friday is a once-a-month program where what we do is a surprise! In the past, it's been Escape the Room, Summer Camp Games & Activities, Stop Motion video creation, Artist Bio Explorations, and more! No registration required. Come with an open mind and a willingness to try! Open to kids ages 6-12.
Chatham Square LibraryChildren,

School Age (5-12 years),

Mon, April 29
@ 10:30 AM
Early Literacy
Let’s go on a journey! Every session we will visit and explore a new story and create our own musical adventure with Latin Grammy nominee Flor Bromley. The program is limited to 15 families. For children birth to age 5 and their caregivers. Programs are first come first served. Please arrive on time. Space is limited. PLEASE NOTE: Stroller parking is on the 2nd floor (the Children's Floor). Unfortunately, there is no elevator access from the front door to the 1st floor (Young Adult and Adult…
Chatham Square LibraryChildren,

Infant (0-18 months),

Toddlers (18-36 months),

Pre-schoolers (3-5 years)
Tue, April 30
@ 10:30 AM
Early Literacy
歡迎參加本館的中英故事時間!本館將會使用普通話和英語來講故事,唱活潑的歌曲和童謠。歡迎嬰兒到五歲的孩子以及看護者來參加。請記住,看護者與孩子在一起時,故事時間是最有效的。 無需註冊!Come join us for a Mandarin/English Bilingual Storytime filled with songs, stories, and purposeful play! Recommended for kids from birth to 5 years old with their caregivers. Remember storytime is most effective when caregivers are present with their child. No registration required! 請注意: 兒童車需要折好停放於二樓(兒童房)。遺憾的是,本館沒有電梯從大門直上二樓。所有兒童車都需要攜帶上前門樓梯然後直進一樓後面的電梯。我們無法保證工作人員能夠提供兒童車的幫助,並建議所有家長尋找代替兒童車的方法。PLEASE NOTE:…
Chatham Square LibraryChildren,

Toddlers (18-36 months),

Pre-schoolers (3-5 years),


Tue, April 30
@ 3:30 PM
Early Literacy
We've missed you! Come join the Chatham Square librarians for an arts and crafts program on every Tuesday! We'll be doing different fun arts & crafts activities weekly such as painting, drawing, collage and a lot more! Ideal for PreK & Preschool kids with their caregivers. Remember, arts & crafts program is most effective when caregivers are present with their child! We ask that both of you are present during the entire program, as unaccompanied adults or children will be asked to l…
Chatham Square Library, Community RoomChildren,

Toddlers (18-36 months),

Pre-schoolers (3-5 years),


Mon, May 6
@ 10:30 AM
Early Literacy
Let’s go on a journey! Every session we will visit and explore a new story and create our own musical adventure with Latin Grammy nominee Flor Bromley. The program is limited to 15 families. For children birth to age 5 and their caregivers. Programs are first come first served. Please arrive on time. Space is limited.
Chatham Square LibraryChildren,

Infant (0-18 months),

Toddlers (18-36 months),

Pre-schoolers (3-5 years)
Mon, May 13
@ 10:30 AM
Early Literacy
Let’s go on a journey! Every session we will visit and explore a new story and create our own musical adventure with Latin Grammy nominee Flor Bromley. The program is limited to 15 families. For children birth to age 5 and their caregivers. Programs are first come first served. Please arrive on time. Space is limited.
Chatham Square LibraryChildren,

Infant (0-18 months),

Toddlers (18-36 months),

Pre-schoolers (3-5 years)
Mon, May 20
@ 10:30 AM
Early Literacy
Let’s go on a journey! Every session we will visit and explore a new story and create our own musical adventure with Latin Grammy nominee Flor Bromley. The program is limited to 15 families. For children birth to age 5 and their caregivers. Programs are first come first served. Please arrive on time. Space is limited.
Chatham Square LibraryChildren,

Infant (0-18 months),

Toddlers (18-36 months),

Pre-schoolers (3-5 years)