International Trade
New York City is one of the most important centers of international trade in the world. Every day, all kinds of consumer goods, commodities, and professional services are exported and imported by New York City area companies through the metropolitan region's airports and seaports. Many U.S. businesses can increase their bottom line by tapping into foreign customers among the 96% of the world's population found outside of the borders of the United States.
The Thomas Yoseloff Business Center of The New York Public Library can direct you to the resources and programs to research potential international business opportunities. Get an overview of the available resources and services in our International Trade Resource Guide.
Services at the Business Center:
Reference Consultations: Meet with a Business Center librarian about your research question: Book your 30-minute appointment.
Classes and Programs: Attend our many programs on business and financial topics. See the schedule and sign up.
Financial Counseling: Meet with a financial counselor to discuss questions about your money. Make your appointment.