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Foreign Relations of the United States (1945-most recent)

Historical records of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and diplomatic activity. Covers the administrations of Presidents Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Carter.

All Branch LibrariesBronx Library CenterSchomburg Center for Research in Black CultureSt. George Library CenterStavros Niarchos Foundation Library (SNFL)Stephen A. Schwarzman BuildingThe New York Public Library for the Performing ArtsThomas Yoseloff Business Center
Government and Law, History, United States History, Political Science
<p> The series, which is produced by the State Department's Office of the Historian, began in 1861 and now comprises more than 450 individual volumes.  The volumes published over the last two decades increasingly contain declassified records from all the foreign affairs agencies.</p> <p>Volumes in the series since 1952 are organized chronologically according to Presidential administrations, and geographically and topically within each subseries: 25 volumes cover the Kennedy administration (1961-1963), 34 cover the Johnson administration (1964-1968), and about 54 are scheduled for the Nixon and Ford administrations (1969-1976). Volumes on the Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan administrations are now being researched, annotated, and prepared for publication.</p>