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13 Books Found
Filtered by 'Comics'
Boys Run the Riot, Vol 1
By Keito GakuRyo, a transgender artist, and his growing group of friends build a fashion brand that gives them a creative outlet to voice their feelings as outsiders. -
Cheer Up! Love and Pompoms
By Crystal FrasierArt by Val Wise | Pressured to join the cheerleading squad, Annie reconnects with her former friend, BeBe. As they navigate training, cheer meets, and high school, can they navigate the feelings springing up between them? -
Clockwork Curandera, Volume 1: The Witch Owl Parliament
By David Bowles & Raúl the ThirdChristina, a cyborg traditional healer resurrected from death by her engineer-alchemist brother, must use her new powers and allies to follow in her parents' footsteps, fight injustice, and stop the Witch Owl Parliament once and for all. -
The Crossroads at Midnight
By Abby HowardDesolate fields, missing sisters, ghosts, and swamp creatures? Is this book haunted? -
The Dire Days of Willowweep Manor
By Shaenon K. GarrityIllustrated by Christopher Baldwin | Gothic romance superfan Haley saves a stranger from drowning and wakes up at Willowweep Manor, which embodies the settings of her favorite books. Willowweep harbors a device that prevents evil from entering our world—but it's falling apart. -
The Hazards of Love, Book 1: Bright World
By Stan StanleyAfter Amparo accidentally allows a talking cat to steal their life, they are plunged into Bright World: a horrific yet colorful bridge between here and the next plane. Amparo is determined to escape and return to their love, Iolanthe... but just how steep is the cost? -
Himawari House
By Harmony BeckerFive friends living in a shared house in Tokyo deal with language barriers and culture shock on their varied journeys to self-discovery, friendship, and love. -
Let's Talk About It
By Erika Moen and Matthew NolanSex. Relationships. Bodies. They're complicated! Uncomplicate them with this book. Full Title: Let's Talk About It: The Teen's Guide to Sex, Relationships, and Being a Human. -
Mao, Vol. 1
By Rumiko TakahashiNanoka is transported to the Taisho Era to fight demons alongside an aloof exorcist named Mao and discovers her life isn't what it seems. -
My Love Mix-Up! Vol. 1
By Wataru HinekureArt by Aruko | Aoki likes Hashimoto, but Aoki discovers that he may like her crush more. A hilarious mix-up of love and mistaken identity, all caused by a dropped eraser. -
Nubia: Real One
By L.L. McKinneyIllustrated by Robyn Smith | Being a Black girl superhero means that even when Nubia comes to the rescue, people still see her as a threat. Can she fight injustice without hiding who she is? -
Queer as All Get Out: 10 People Who've Inspired Me
By Shelby CriswellA personal reflection on the lives of 10 fascinating lesser-known icons from LGBTQ+ history. -
By Saif A. AhmedIllustrated by Fabiana Mascolo | Captured by ISIS at 16, Yasmeen spends two years in captivity before being freed. Now she must endure a new struggle as she becomes a refugee in a foreign country: the USA.