Best Books for Adults 2022

4 Books Found

Filtered by 'Humor'
  • The Many Deaths of Laila Starr

    Art by Filipe Andrade | When a human is prophesied to unearth the key to immortality, Death is out of a job; now bound to a mortal form, she races against the clock to stop this discovery. This book reflects on death, its effect on people's lives, and the importance of embracing life while you have it.

    Cover of The Many Deaths of Laila Starr
  • Pinball: A Graphic History of the Silver Ball

    A fun history of pinball, from its origins to today's current popularity as a multiplayer electric machine. Beautifully drawn color graphics loaded with informed historical text, here's the story of why pinball is popular and a focus of today's video-game arcade rooms.

    Cover of Pinball: A Graphic History of the Silver Ball
  • The Six Sidekicks of Trigger Keaton. Vol. 1

    Art by Chris Schweizer | No one sheds a tear when Trigger Keaton, the world’s most abusive action star, dies. But when clues about his death point towards foul play, his six television sidekicks must band together to solve his murder... while figuring out why they should.

    Cover of The Six Sidekicks of Trigger Keaton. Vol. 1
  • Wash Day Diaries

    Art by Robyn Smith | Four Black women share their experiences with lovers, friends, and family through the ritual of hair washing. Authentic, relatable, and artistically captivating through its palette of cool tones, this title teaches appreciation and commonality through the upkeep of hair.

    Cover of Wash Day Diaries