Books to Inspire Budding Environmental Activists

By Dhariyah Luqman, School Outreach Librarian
April 14, 2022

Spring is a time for renewal and revitalization. It's a time for looking back on what was learned during winter and using that knowledge to make the upcoming season flourish. As we start fresh with the world around us, we can take time to bring balance to our lives by connecting with nature and learning more about why it's important to protect the environment.

The world celebrates Earth Day on April 22, making this month the perfect time for kids to focus on the world around them. Taking action is not always about doing big things, because small changes help too—like recycling plastic, unplugging electronics before bed, growing plants at home, or sheltering an animal in need.

If kids want to learn more about how to protect the earth, fight climate change, and become a part of a movement that will impact their future, they can get started by reading more about it. These fiction and nonfiction titles below can help them get started on a journey to environmental activism. Kids can learn what it takes to be an advocate for mother nature and why taking care of our planet should be a priority!


Explore these articles and databases to learn more about climate change, Earth Day and how YOU can help the environment:

World Book Kids

Sample article: "Earth Day". (Library card required)

World Book Student

Sample article: "Environmental Pollution" by Martha E. Richmond (Library card required)

Scholastic GO

Sample articles: "Earth First" and "How You Can Protect the Environment" (Library card required)

National Geographic Kids 

Discover how a young eco-activist from Sweden inspired a global movement: "Who is Greta Thunberg?" (External resource, no library card required)