How To Create Digital Comics with Pixton As Told In Comic Form
Have you heard about Pixton? Well if you haven’t, the Teen Reading Ambassadors are here to help! Pixton is a digital comics creation website for kids and teens, now available for free to anyone with an NYPL library card. You just visit, sign in with your library card number and PIN, and you’re ready to go! But maybe you would like to see how to do this in comic form…
Created by Anna P., Teen Reading Ambassador, Chatham Square Library
Created by Yesenia L., Teen Reading Ambassador, Washington Heights Library
Created by Yuneydy P., Teen Reading Ambassador, Bronx Library Center
Ok! Now that you have a Pixton account you’re ready to start creating your own comics. If you need inspiration, the Teen Reading Ambassadors have created a series of comic prompts in Pixton. They started the story, but now you need to continue it! Choose from any of the options below, from taking a ride on a pirate ship to exploring a strange planet in outer space. We know you’ll come up with some great stories!
Created by Malaya G., Teen Reading Ambassador, Kingsbridge Library
Created by Li L., Teen Reading Ambassador, Seward Park Library
Created by Emelyn B., Teen Reading Ambassador, High Bridge Library
Created by Dewou M., Teen Reading Ambassador, Kingsbridge Library
Created by Izabell M., Teen Reading Ambassador, Macomb's Bridge Library
The New York Public Library's Teen Reading Ambassadors internship program brings together 10th–12th grade students to help further the Library's mission to inspire lifelong learning in others, particularly young children. Ambassadors work at NYPL After School programs across the city providing tutoring and literacy enrichment activities to children ages 6–12. They also help connect children to all of the Library’s resources for reading and learning!