Booktalking: "Arrows" by Melissa Gorzelanczyk

Arrows book cover

Nell is teenage Karma's constant companion. She sleeps so sweetly in her crib, and does not fuss too much. Karma's sisters and friends adore the baby's lovely countenance, and Karma's life revolves around finding babysitters for Nell and cuddling with her. 

In stark contrast to Karma's lovable baby is Danny, Nell's father. He does not want to spend money on Nell, or time with her; yet he remains the apple of Karma's eye. Despite having been hurt by Danny, Karma continues to pine for his affection. 

The relationship between Danny and Karma can be explained by the actions of Aaryn, Cupid turned mortal, albeit temporarily. When certifying for his celestial role, Aaryn didn't shoot both with his love arrow—only Karma. Whoops. 

Karma's friends, Peyton and Jen, and Karma's younger sister, Leah, are on a mission to make sure Karma pursues Danny's child support payments and moves on to better prospects.

Arrows by Melissa Gorzelanczyk is a teen novel that's really great fun.

Books about angels

Melissa Gorzelanczyk's website