Recent Acquisitions in the Jewish Division: November 2016

The following titles on our Recent Acquisitions Display are just a few of our new books, which are available at the reference desk in the Dorot Jewish Division.


Bergen-Belsen, History of the Memorial by Dr. Habbo Knoch

Festschrift Darkhei Noam: the Jews of Arab lands edited by Carsten Schapkow

Children of La Hille: Eluding Nazi Capture during World War II by Walter W. Reed

Full Severity of Compassion: the Poetry of Yehuda Amichai by Chana Kronfeld

Heart of the Matter: Studies in Jewish Mysticism and Theology by Arthur Green

Hollywood and the Holocaust by Henry Gonshak

Jacob L. Talmon: Mission and Testimony: Political Essays by Isaiah Berlin (Fwd.); David Ohana (ed.)

Jewish and Non-Jewish Spaces in the Urban Context by Alina Gromova

Jews and Christians in Denmark: from the Middle Ages to Recent Times ca. 1100-1948 by Martin Schwarz Lausten

Jews and the Renaissance of Synagogue Architecture, 1450-1730 by Barry L. Stiefel

Memory Work: the Second Generation by Nina Fischer

New Jewish Table: Modern Seasonal Recipes for Traditional Dishes by Todd Gray

Nietzsche's Jewish Problem: between Anti-Semitism and Anti-Judaism by Robert C. Holub

On Biblical Poetry by F.W. Dobbs-Allsopp

Schindler's Krakow: the City under the Nazis by Andrew Rawson

Shades of a Nation: the Dynamics of belonging among the Silesian and the Jewish populations in Eastern Upper Silesia (1922-1934) by Anna Novikov

Strong as Death is love: the Song of Songs, Ruth, Esther, Jonah, and Daniel  by Robert Alter.

Yiddish Printing in Hungary: an annotated bibliography by Szonja Ráhel Komoróczy.