Biblio File

NYPL Recommends: New Kids Poetry

 Our staff have been busy reading and reviewing 2016 titles. Here are a few of their favorite new poetry books for kids.

 Poems about Sharks

Slickety Quick: Poems about Sharks by Skila Brown

Wonderful, glossy, cartoony images accompany poems about the great variety of sharks living beneath the waves.



 A Mix of Concrete Poems

Wet Cement: A Mix of Concrete Poems by Bob Raczka

A clever collection of concrete poems, for the unfamiliar, a concrete poem arranges words to draw a picture that conveys the central message of the poem.





Guess Who, Haiku

Guess Who, Haiku words by Deanna Caswell

Haiku meets guessing game, with illustrations by Bob Shea.




When Green Becomes Tomatoes

When Green Becomes Tomatoes by Julie Fogliano

Nature poetry for all seasons.






Echo Echo

Echo Echo: Reverso Poems about Greek Myths by Marilyn Singer

Fun reversible poems about Greek myths.




Among the Thousand Fireflies

Among the Thousand Fireflies by Helen Frost

Gorgeous photographs accompany this nostalgic poem about fireflies on a summer night.




Have trouble reading standard print? Many of these titles are available in formats for patrons with print disabilities.

Staff picks are chosen by NYPL staff members and are not intended to be comprehensive lists. We'd love to hear your ideas too, so leave a comment and tell us what you’d recommend. And check out our Staff Picks browse tool for more recommendations!