Biblio File

#FridayReads Roundup: Pakistan, Female Rockers, & Honoring Shakespeare

Looking for a great book? Join us on Twitter this morning @NYPLRecommends from 10-11 AM. The Librarian is IN: taking requests and giving recommendations. 

four feet


Fiction Set in Pakistan

Eleven books, something for readers of all ages.

In Praise of Female Rock Memoirs

Several great female memoirs have been published since Patti Smith's phenomenally successful Just Kids. Here's to the rise of the female rock memoir.

Grace Jones and Spelling Bees: The Librarian Is In Podcast, Ep. 8

Who's ready to relive some traumatic moments from childhood?! We go toe-to-toe with the winner of the tri-library spelling bee: NYPL's very own Rob Kelley.

30 Days of Shakespeare

We asked 30 staff members to select and read 90 seconds of their favorite Shakespeare speechs, monologues, and  sonnets. We will release one each day throughout the month of April. 

What We're Reading

Lynn just started What is Not Yours Is Not Yours by Helen Oyeyemi and is finding it dreamy and magical. 

Gwen is reading The Regional Office Is Under Attack!  by Manuel Gonzales and it's so so so good! Exclamation points for everyone!