Biblio File

NYPL Holiday Shopping Guide

Happy Holidays! Here are some of our 2015 favorites for the readers on your list. You can also check out our favorite 2015 children's books and YA books.

Thrill Rides

In a dark dark woods
Palace of Treason
The Water Knife

Quiet Lives, Small Towns, & the Everyday

Academy Street
The Green Road
Our Souls at Night Cover
 Maine Stories
A Manual for Women Who Clean

Difficult But Worth It

A Little Life Cover
Did you ever have a family
Delicious Foods
One of Us
 Rape and the Justice System in a College Town

Family Drama

The Half Brother
The Turner House
Mothers Tell Your Daughters
City on Fire
The Daughters

Secrets & Lies

Fates & Furies
Days of Awe
The Story of My Teeth
The Whites
A Cure for Suicide

On the Dark Side

Amnesia Cover
Binary Star Cover
Find Me Cover
The Country of Ice Cream Star
Slade House

Identity & Belonging

In the Country
The Sellout
Welcome to Braggsville


Accidental Saints
Deep Dark Fears
Why Not Me
Modern Romance
The First Bad Man

Tales From Around the World

A Bad Character
Ashes in My Mouth, Sand in My Shoes
The Diver’s Clothes Lie Empty
The Big Green Tent
The Fisherman

Social Commentary

Between the World and Me
So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed
City by City
The Unfortunate Importance of Beauty

Pop Culture

Funny Girl
The Ghost Network
The Book of Numbers


The Prize
Killing a King

Short Story Collections That Pack a Big Punch

Voices in the Night
Cries for Help
Single Carefree and Mellow

Staff picks are chosen by NYPL staff members and are not intended to​ be comprehensive lists. We'd love to hear your ​picks! Tell us what you'd recommend: Leave a comment or email us.


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Placeholder for Books to Read

I'm always looking for something to read and your reviews never let me down. Thanks!



Unavailable Ebooks for Kindle

Cannot understand why I cannot borrow certain books. For example, Elmer Kelton has won more Spur awards than any other writer. Yet 2 books "Slaughter" and "The Far Country" both winners are unavailable. Also the later works of C.J. Box the great genre novelist seems unavailable. I remember when I could get any book I wanted at the NYPL.

Best books of 2015

A glaring omission from your list of favorite books of the past year: Anthony Marra's collection of inter-related stories, "The Tsar of Love and Techno," one of the most extraordinary works of fiction to be released in 2015. (Full disclosure: I am neither a friend or mother of Marra, nor a publicist for the publisher). Writing this bold and brilliant needs to be supported by the New York Public Library.

Best books of 2015

A glaring omission from your list of 2015 favorites: Anthony Marra's collection of interrelated stories "The Tsar of Love and Techno," one of the most extraordinary works of fiction to be released over the past year. (Full disclosure: I am neither a friend or mother of the author, nor a publicist for the publisher). Writing this bold and brilliant should be supported by the New York Public Library.