Find New York Times Bestsellers at NYPL - July 7th, 2013

For the week of July 7th, 2013 we have hardcover fiction, hardcover non-fiction, and Advice, How-To & Miscellaneous books.

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Click on any of the titles below and place a hold to request the item. Remember to update your contact information (phone number or e-mail address), so you are notified when the book arrives for you at your local library. Don't have a library card yet? It's simple! Find out how to get one. Titles are available in regular print, large print, audio, and in electronic format—for FREE!

Week of July 7, 2013

Hardcover Fiction

  1. The Ocean At The End Of The Lane, by Neil Gaiman   
  2. Inferno, by Dan Brown 
  3. And The Mountains Echoed, by Khaled Hosseini
  4. Bad Monkey, by Carl Hiaasen
  5. The Heist, by Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg



Hardcover Nonfiction

  1. Happy, Happy, Happy, by Phil Robertson with Mark Schlabach                                
  2. Lean In, by Sheryl Sandberg with Nell Scovell
  3. Dad Is Fat, by Jim Gaffigan
  4. Eleven Rings, by Phil Jackson and Hugh Delehanty
  5. Let's Explore Diabetes With Owls, by David Sedaris



Advice, How-To & Miscellaneous

  1. The 100, by Jorge Cruise     
  2. Eat To Live, by Joel Fuhrman
  3. The Five Love Languages, by Gary Chapman
  4. Life Code, by Phil McGraw
  5. Loyalty 3.0, by Rajat Paharia

For more information on this week's best sellers, visit the New York Times website and check out the full list. There is also a special section for Best Sellers in the Library's catalog, BiblioCommons.