November 2011 NYPL Blog Highlights

November., Digital ID 1543257, New York Public LibraryThe clocks have been turned back, the turkey and cranberry sauce leftovers have been eaten, and mild weather notwithstanding winter is certainly on its way. Earlier this month one of our bloggers asked, "Where Do You Get Your Information?" If you're reading this, then you probably use the library as one of your sources for information. You search the catalog, you download ebooks, you consult archives and digital materials, you ask us questions.

Part of the idea behind NYPL blogs is that we're not just waiting for you to ask us the questions. We are coming at you every day with the answers.

Any other questions? See you back here next month.

NYPL has been actively blogging since 2007. There are currently over 2,245 posts that serve as a knowledge base of the collections, services, and expertise of 100 librarians and staff from more than 65 departments, libraries and research divisions. About NYPL Blogs.