Breast Cancer: A Research Guide

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This is a 2011 update of a 2004 research guide from the Mid-Manhattan Library. A printable version is available to download.

Most books and videos may be found in the 616.9944 call number area. To locate materials about this subject in the Catalog, here are some suggested search terms:

If established subject headings don't seem to match your needs, try keyword searching or see a librarian for assistance. Below is a list of selected resources on breast cancer in our collections.

General Information








Available at all NYPL locations and from home with a valid NYPL library card.

  • Health Reference Center Academic - A broad array of articles on consumer health and wellness.
  • MEDLINE — provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and more.


  • American Cancer Society
    Discusses the nature of cancer, its causes, and risk factors. Also includes information on the latest strategies for prevention and early detection, new diagnostic techniques, and the latest treatments.
  • Cancer Care
    Cancer Care is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide free professional help to people with all cancers through counseling, education, information, and referral to direct financial assistance. Also offers information in Spanish.
    Provides recent information from the National Cancer Institute on a variety of cancer types, including breast cancer. Topics include prevention, screening, treatment options, clinical trials, and ways to cope with cancer. Other resources include directories of support groups and organizations that may offer financial assistance. Also offers information in Spanish.
  • MedlinePlus
    A directory of websites chosen and organized by the National Library of Medicine. A wealth of information on breast cancer is provided, including news on the latest research, law and policy, and interactive tutorials. Links to a directory of breast prostheses and accessory manufacturers and to a directory of facilities that provide free or low-cost mammograms and pap tests.
  • NOAH (New York Online Access to Health)
    A directory of websites chosen and organized by medical librarians and health professionals. Links to a variety of information on breast cancer, including living with breast cancer, clinical trials, breast reconstruction, support groups, male breast cancer and the FDA’s list of certified mammography facilities. Links to information in Spanish.
  • OncoLink
    This website contains general information on breast cancer from OncoLink and the National Cancer Institute as well as other comprehensive sites on the topic.
  • SusanLoveMD
    Created by the Susan Love MD Breast Cancer Research Foundation, this website features information about breast cancer prevention and the criteria for having a breast biopsy. For the woman with a diagnosis of breast cancer, guidance for sorting out treatment options initially and at recurrence is also available. Includes detailed information about ductal lavage and an extensive list of links of interest.
  • Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization
    Y-ME provides general information on breast cancer, including a glossary and detailed information for those newly diagnosed. Contains extensive resources on free support groups and services, including a toll-free number staffed by trained peer counselors with translators available in almost 150 languages.