Reader’s Den

The Reader's Den: "It Can't Happen Here"

I hope you’ve been able to get yourself a copy of It Can’t Happen Here. Or perhaps you’ve been reading it online, or listening to the e-audio version.

How do you like it so far? Or does "like" not apply here? Do you think Lewis meant for us to take the book as: a straight novel? a satire? a cautionary tale? a parable? something else?

The fictional characters in this work quote from, hearken back to, and mingle freely with an army of real historical personages—historians, politicians, journalists, writers, activists, psychologists, etc., etc. What’s the effect of this mingling of fact and fantasy on the reader?

And how about Lewis’ names? What associations do the following bring to your mind: Berzelius “Buzz” Windrip; Mrs. Adelaide Tarr Gimmitch; Doremus Jessup; Hector Macgoblin; Lorinda Pike; Buck Titus?