Additional Resources Relating to Ralph Stern's Interview

Online Resources Relating to World War II and D-Day:
Books from NYPL's catalog:
  • World War II: A Short History by Norman Stone, published 2013. This book gives a concise overview of the entire war from an award-winning historian and author.
  • World War II: The Encyclopedia of the War Years, 1941-1945 by Norman Polmar, published 1996. More of a resource book for people, places, and battles that occurred during World War II. 
  • Battle: The Story of the Bulge by John Toland, published 1999. Toland has collected tons of information from bystanders and people who fought in the battle to paint a picture as if he was truely there. 
  • No Surrender: A World War II Memoir by James Sheeran, published 2011. Sheeran was a paratrooper who landed on the beaches of France on D-Day. He is captured by the Germans and eventually escapes and fights with the French.
  • The Steel Wave by Jeff Shaara, published 2008. A fictional account of an Allie soldier who lands on the beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944.
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