LIVE Conversation Portraits: JOHN WATERS: Role Models

June 7, 2010

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 "Pink Flamingoes" director and Pope of Trash JOHN WATERS discusses how his odd roster of role models inspired him to achieve neurotic happiness. In this conversation with Paul Holdengräber, Waters also offers subversive tips for how to dress, steal flowers and die.

~ Conversation Portrait by Flash Rosenberg ~
Artist-in-Residence, LIVE from the New York Public Library
~ ideas drawn as they are discussed in real time ~

2011 LES Film Festival Winner for 'Best Animation'​archives/​1123

executive producers: Ron Qurashi, Diane Charles
- for Intelligent Life Productions
sponsor: Lexus for L/
- for Team One Advertising: Chris Graves
- for Lexus:Robin Pisz
live-drawing and direction: Flash Rosenberg
video editor: Sarah Lohman
music: Ken Rosenberg​LIVE

© Flash Rosenberg 2010
JOHN WATERS is an American filmmaker, actor, writer, and visual artist best known for his cult films, including Hairspray, Pink Flamingos, and Cecil B. DeMented. He lives in Baltimore.