About the Columbus Library
View library address, hours, and more.
The Columbus Branch of The New York Public Library has been a center for education in the multiethnic, working-class neighborhood of Clinton since the branch opened on September 24, 1909.
It is one of 65 libraries built in the early 20th century with funds contributed by Andrew Carnegie. The nucleus of the collection came from the reading room of the Columbus Catholic Club, a social and educational club for young men. In 1901, the club's library was incorporated into the Cathedral Free Circulating Library, and in 1905, as the city's library movement developed, it became part of the New York Public Library.
The Columbus Branch reopened in 2005 after the first complete restoration and modernization of the elegant Renaissance Revival, Indiana limestone building since the 1960s. From the 1970s until its closure in 2004, the library operated on only one floor. The renovation retained many of the building's historic elements, including the original iron-railed staircase and the oak-paneled entrance vestibule. The major changes include: complete redesign and reconfiguration of the interior public service areas, restoration of the second floor as a dedicated children's and teen space, and an elevator serving all floors. The branch also added a NYPL TechConnect computer lab on the lower level, which provides free weekday computer classes conducted by trained professionals.
Community District Information
For more information about your Community District, including census data, community board information, local schools and other resources, see here.
Information About Environmental Remediation Projects in Your Community
Brownfields are properties where redevelopment is complicated by actual or suspected environmental contamination from past land usage. Because of New York City's long industrial history, brownfields are found in areas throughout the five boroughs. The New York City Office of Environmental Remediation offers programs that encourage environmental investigation of lightly-to-moderately contaminated sites, and that oversee clean up appropriate to a site's new end use. Information about these projects is available below:
New York City Voluntary Cleanup Program
Brownfield Educational Video series –Cleaning Up NYC
Brownfield Cleanup Program Application
550 Tenth Avenue Filling Station Site
- 2021.6.15_BCP APP Second Submission Cover Letter
- BCP Application (Revised)
- BCP Support Second Submission
- Combined Application Package
- Exhibit A: DOS Info
- Exhibit B: Corporate Consent
- Exhibit C: Deed
- Exhibit D: Site Access Agreement
- Exhibit E: Previous Owners and Operators List
- Exhibit F: Site Drawing Spider Map
- Exhibit F Figure 1: Soil Analytical Results
- Exhibit F Table 1A: Soil Analytical Results
- Exhibit F Table 1B: Soil Analytical Results - Emerging Contaminants
- Exhibit F Figure 2: WC Soil Analytical Results
- Exhibit F Table 2: Soil Analytical Results (Waste Characterization)
- Exhibit F Figure 3: Groundwater Analytical Results
- Exhibit F Figure 4: Soil Vapor Analytical Results_11x17
- Exhibit F Survey
- Exhibit G: Tax Map
- Exhibit H:
- Exhibit I: Zoning Map
- Exhibit J: Flood Map
- Exhibit K: Site Contact List
- Exhibit L: Repository Letters
- Exhibit M: Affordable Housing Resolution
- Environmental Reports
- 2015 Sept. 18 Phase I ESA prepared by TRC Engineers, Inc. for Covenant House International
- 2017 Dec. 11 Phase II Environmental Site Investigation Report prepared by Langan for Gotham
- 2018 Dec. 5 Geophysical Investigation Report prepared by Enviroprobe Service Inc. for Langan
- 2018 May 25 Amended Phase II Subsurface Investigation prepared by Langan Engineering for Gotham Organization
- 2019 Dec. Phase II Investigation Work Plan prepared by Langan Engineering for GO Covenant LLC
- 2021 Feb. 10 Geophysical Investigation Report prepared by Enviroprobe Service Inc. for Langan
- 2021 May 5 Environmental Soil Pre-Characterization prepared by Langan Engineering for GO Covenant LLC
- 2021 May Lanfan RIR: Part 1
- 2021 May Lanfan RIR: Part 2
- 2021 May Langan Interim Remedial Measure Work Plan
- 2021 May Langan Remedial Investigation Work Plan
- Spill No. 0404424
- Spill No. 0613314