Systemwide Statistics: Fiscal Year 1996
Fiscal Year 1996 Operating Budget
Operating Expenses
Operating Expenses of The Research Libraries, Librarywide Programs, and Related Central Services and Administration: $84,904,000
Operating Expenses of The Branch Libraries and Related Central Services and Administration: $106,217,000
Total Operating Expenses: $191,121,000
Support and Revenue:
Includes City, State, and Federal funds, as well as private sources, investment income, and other income.
The Research Libraries: $94,389,000
The Branch Libraries: $104,199,000
Total Support and Revenue: $198,588,000
The Research Libraries
Locations: 4 -- Center for the Humanities, The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, and the Science, Industry and Business Library
Collections: 40,444,822 items (12,900,670 books)
Users in FY96: 1,652,849
Number of items consulted: 2,712,923
Reference inquiries (telephone): 232,687
Materials preserved: Through restoration, preservation, microfilming, and reprint: 112,175 Other items: 19,812
Hours of recorded sound media: 823
Feet of motion picture film: 54,973
Volumes cleaned: 86,927
Number of public programs: 274
Number of exhibitions (beginning in FY96): 32
Employees: 1,240 (409 are hourly)
The Branch Libraries
Locations: 85 in Manhattan, the Bronx, and Staten Island
Collections: 11,615,172 items (5,465,081 books)
Users in FY96: 11,363,214
Library card holders: 2.34 million
Reference inquiries: 5,852,535 (178,555 telephone reference service)
Directional inquiries: 5,055,206
Items circulated: 11,138,629
Distribution of free material: 349,220
Personal computer appointments: 100,636
Number of free programs: 25,393
Free program attendance: 546,706
Number of CLASP (Connecting Libraries and Schools Project) programs: 2,155
CLASP program attendance: 78,128
Number of branch exhibits: 2,551
Employees: 2,405 (674 are hourly)
thoerenz: pro: 11-19-97