Best of the Web

  • Directory of links and brief essays.
  • Comprehensive site on Islamic religion and culture. Includes a multi-lingual Qur'an (Koran).
  • "Al-Khazina is an interactive database for the study of Islamic Culture, particularly in the early centuries. We developed it for use in university courses on a wide range of topcs in Islamic civilization,and fromintroductory through advanced levels."
  • Articles, monographs, and other research on ideological struggles within the Muslim world.
  • A hypertext encyclopedia of early church history. Its sections include documents, a glossary, articles, images, and a chronology.
  • "The rituals of the Hajj are steeped in history dating back to Abraham and his family and have been performed for more than 1400 years." This site explores the origin, rituals, and meanings of the Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca.
  • Links arranged in the following categories: Pre-Islamic Arab World Muhammad and Foundations - to 632 CE Islamic Faith and Theology Islamic Expansion and Empire Caliphate Persians Turks Ottomans Expansion Eastwards Interaction wwith the West Western Intrusion Islamic Nationalism Islamic World since 1945 Islamic History Maps further resources on Islamic History.
  • Links to primary and scholarly material.
  • Introduction to Islam (in Spanish).
  • "This site contains hundreds of full-length books and articles on Islamic philosophy, ranging from the classical texts in the canon of Islamic philosophy to modern works of Muslim philosophy."
  • Extensive collection of Islamic resources. Includes three translations of the Qur'an. Also contains an extensive glossary of Islamic terms and concepts.
  • The site begins with scholars of Islam speaking out against terrorism, but the primary focus is a collection of annotated sites related to the Qur'an, Sufism, Sunni, Islam in the modern world, women's rights, art, architecture, music, and others.
  • "This is an electronic version of The Holy Qur'an, translated by M.H. Shakir and published by Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an, Inc., in 1983."