Small Business Services Directory

Use the search fields below to find hundreds of organizations in New York City that can provide you with help in starting or running your small business. Included in this searchable database are programs which offer business advice, loans, grants, location assistance, and a wide range of other services for small businesses throughout the city — often at no cost or for a low fee.

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Long Island City Partnership (LICP) is the neighborhood development organization for LIC. Our mission is to advocate for economic development that benefits the area’s industrial, commercial, science and technology, cultural, tourism, and residential sectors. The goal is to attract new businesses to LIC, retain those already here, engage residents and visitors, and promote a vibrant and authentic mixed-use community. LICP also operates the LIC Business Improvement District and LIC Industrial Business Zone (LIC IBZ), providing business services and assistance.

Services to businesses in the community include: hosting networking, educational, and community events; maintenance of capital improvements, daily sanitation, visitor attractions, and retail attraction; plus many more.

LIC Partnership operates the LIC Industrial Business Zone (LIC IBZ). The Long Island City Industrial Business Zone (IBZ) is one of the 21 IBZs throughout the city. It is made up of 5 sub-areas that serve as suitable areas for a wide range of manufacturing and industrial companies. The LIC IBZ is home to many businesses that support the basic function of NYC and employ a diverse workforce. The IBZ covers areas in zip codes 11101, 11102,11103, 11104, 11106, 11109 and 11120.