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#FridayReads Roundup: Picture-Book-A-Palooza

Join us from 10-11 AM EDT for live reading recommendations on Twitter @NYPLRecommends!


NYPL Recommends: New Picture Books - The Animal Edition

The members of our Children's Books Committee have been busy reading and reviewing this year's picture books. Here are a few of their favorites featuring animals to teach kids about, well, animals—but also some other important life lessons.

NYPL Recommends: New Picture Books

And some of our children's librarians' non-animal favorites from this year's new crop.

Doubling Down on Angry Birds

When the Angry Birds movie hit theaters, we asked our NYPL recommendation experts to name their favorite books, movies, or TV shows that feature… well, angry birds.

New York Times Read Alikes: June 5, 2016

If you are among the many readers who bought and read one of these five titles and want more of the same adventure or romance or thrills, here are some suggestions for you.

Lynn is reading The Assistants by Camille Perri.

Gwen is reading the new Zadie Smith story in the New Yorker and Kill the Boy Band by Goldy Moldavsky... whoa. It's crazy.


Have trouble reading standard print? Many of these titles are available in formats for patrons with print disabilities.

Staff picks are chosen by NYPL staff members and are not intended to be comprehensive lists. We'd love to hear your ideas too, so leave a comment and tell us what you’d recommend. And check out our Staff Picks browse tool for more recommendations!