Booktalking "The Word Collector" by Sonja Wimmer


Luna lived in the sky where she collected words like people collect baseball cards. She loved language, and she found words beautiful, emotional... and sometimes ticklish. Words fed her soul like food nourishes bodies. Life was wonderful when she played with her letters.

Then, one day, unfortunately, Luna was faced with a dearth of words. She could not find as many as she once could. However, in the spirit of conservation, she packed up the words she could find into a suitcase. Then, she dispersed them where they were most needed. She sent words of love to warring factions. She sent friendly words to lonely folks. She threw magic words to people whose lives were overconsumed with relentless activity. 

And then, one day, the girl ran out of words to give people. Luckily, though, they got creative and made up new words for everyone. Luna now had more linguistic variety to ponder.

The Word Collector by Sonja Wimmer, 2011

Sonja Wimmer's web site 

Books about linguistics