
Booktalking "PushGirl" by Chelsie Hill

push girl

Kara Moore was a dancer: The dance studio was home to her, and she even had a Dance Mom to complete the picture. Add to that a boyfriend and trusted friends Jack and Amanda. The major trouble in her life was her parents bickering. Then, Kara gets hit by a drunk driver on her way to Taco Bell.

She regains consciousness some time later with both of the parental units looking over her, haggard and worried. She is a bit disoriented, but nothing could prepare her for the shock of her life. Kara Moore will never walk again.

Dance was her life.

Kara learns how to use a wheelchair. She looks online at designer chairs, and she visits an online message board to learn how others with disabilities are coping. She deals with her own emotions and those of others about her spinal cord injury.

Push Girl by Chelsie Hill and Jessica Love, 2014