Superhero Songs From Presley and Melody

Presley and Melody have been performing at the library for years, and they always come up with new exciting shows and songs. This year, they made a show to coincide with the superhero summer reading theme. Melody always talks to the kids about the songs' subject matter in order to get them thinking, similar to how we discuss the books with kids at story time. This practice improves memory and helps them develop their cognitive abilities. She asked them who their superheroes were. She mentioned librarians, teachers, fire fighters, nurses, and military personnel. As usual, the two provided a fantastic time. There was a large crowd for this end of summer reading celebration at the Parkchester Library

Presley and Melody bring their own projectors that feature drawings and photographs that are related to the songs. They also sport the lyrics of the songs so that kids can sing along. This allows kids to participate, and it helps me if I am not familiar with the songs. They utilize props for every song so that the kids have fun objects to play with during the song. They engage with the kids, encouraging them to dance and sing along with the music. They also bring their own sound system, complete with microphones.

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Owls Say What?

Melody asked the kids to recite the refrain of this song  "who who" in preparation for singing. She handed out popsicle sticks attached to pictures of owls for the kids to hold up. Pictures of catwoman, firefighters, nurses and other superheroes were featured.  

"You know who they are
who who
Heroes, heroines and superstars
Every single hero has a story"

Sunny Songs

Melody handed out popsicle sticks attached to pictures of suns, smiley faces and inflatable guitars for this song. Images of the sun and lyrics appeared on the projector screen.

"Here comes the sun
you are my sunshine"

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Volcano Song

Melody asked the kids if they knew what to do if a volcano erupts. She told them the people climb up the mountain sides to escape the cascading lava. She handed out maracas (hand rattles) and inflatable guitars. Images of the sea and volcanoes made the projector come to life.

"I don't know where I'm gonna go
when the volcano blows."

Best Day of My Life

I love this song, so I am always excited when they play it. Melody handed out popsicle sticks attached to pictures of flowers, sparkly wands, and inflatable guitars.

Amazing Superheroes

Superheroes such as the Hulk were featured for this song. Hand-held star props and inflatable guitars were issued to the kids to use. This is the summer reading 2015 theme song!

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Octopus' Garden

Melody got the kids thinking about the superheroes of the sea with this song. She mentioned lifeguards and coast guards as heroes of the water. The kids got fish pictures on popsicle sticks, blue pompoms and inflatable guitars.  

Gummy Bears

This is the most hilarious song ever. Melody mentioned that she sees a lot of sugar in the library... hence the birth of this song. The kids were energetically jumping around as gummy bears with Presley and Melody. They were totally engaged with the thought of gummy bears in their tummies and a sugar high.

"I'm a gummy bear
I'm a yummy yummy gummy bear."

I look forward to hearing the new songs and seeing the new props and pictures that Presley and Melody develop in the future. They are an amazingly dynamic duo who are unusually creative. They get the kids to participate with the music and think about the linguistics involved with the words. I love their songs about nature.