Booktalking "Good Leaders Ask Great Questions" by John Maxwell


Questions are the key to communication and success. Questions lead to growth, demonstrate interest and uncover information that might otherwise remain hidden. Business leaders need to retain their curiosity, ask themselves questions to keep at the top of their game, and ask questions of others to determine if they need assistance and to double-check if the leaders need to improve. Questions spur learning.

Questions That Leaders Should Ask Themselves

  1. How do I see myself? 
  2. How do I see the future?
  3. How do my friends and colleagues see me?

These questions demonstrate whether you have an interest in others, if you have humility, and whether you are adding value to the team. Leaders should stay in their strength zone, take care of today, and invest in the right people. Many people do not want or care to grow and contribute much; therefore, it is vital to invest time in people who are motivated to contribute.

Questions Leaders Should Ask Their Colleagues

  1. Do I listen well?
  2. What do you think?
  3. How can I serve you?
  4. What do I need to communicate?
  5. Did we exceed expectations? Did we add value?
  6. What did you learn?
  7. How do we maximize this experience?
  8. What do I need to know?
  9. How are the numbers?
  10. What am I missing?

Encouraging staff to be honest regarding the leaders deficiencies and gaps in knowledge is vital to keeping the company afloat and prospering. A good, knowledgeable staff helps talented leaders and companies succeed. No company is run by one person. Attracting and retaining highly productive, motivated people helps companies succeed. Great leaders help develop other leaders. Also, CEOs are not always aware of the particulars of the company; therefore, they need to ask about numbers and anything else that they should be informed of.

Questions Leaders Ask John Maxwell

  1. How do I lead myself well?
  2. How does leadership work?
  3. How do I get started in leadership?
  4. How do I resolve conflict and lead challenging people?
  5. How can I succeed while working under poor leadership?
  6. How do I transition to a different type of leadership?
  7. How can I develop leaders?

Insecurity in leaders, micromanagement, and pride hold leaders and their teams back. Leadership is influence. No one gives 100% to a leader who does not care about them. People work hard and repay leadership that rewards them. Everyone can be a leader, but some people have a greater natural talent for it. Some people lead for power, money and privilege for themselves, while others serve their people and help them develop their skills. It is important for leaders to stay physically and mentally healthy so that they can retain their ability to lead. 

Good Leaders Ask Great Questions: Your Foundation For Successful Leadership by John C. Maxwell, 2014