Children's Literature @ NYPL

Booktalking "Roller Derby Rivals" by Sue Macy

roller derby

In New York City in 1948, Midge "Toughie" Brasuhn and Gerry Murray duke it out on the roller rink for the benefit of thousands of TV viewers. Gerry is on the Manhattan team, and Toughie is skating for Brooklyn. Leo Seltzer founded the derby in 1935. Men play each other and women play each other, but the fans go crazy for the ladies. 

Gerry and Toughie joust each other, both attempting to knock the other off her feet. Each skater wants to break away from the crowd, traverse the oval, and pass rivals for points. These players do not shy away from knocking people over the sides of the rink in order to score.

The women love the jostling. Gerry charms the referees with her flashy smile so that they do not call her on fouls. By contrast, no one gives Toughie any breaks. They elbow each other in the ribs. Toughie is the villain, Gerry is the hero, and, secretly, they are friends.

Roller Derby Rivals by Sue Macy, 2014

This book is based on a true story. I like the fact that the rules of the game are listed on the first page of the book. The sport of roller derby is being considered for the 2020 Summer Olympics.