Booktalking "Tease" by Amanda Maciel

Sara has boyfriend Dylan, best friend Brielle, brothers Tommy and Alex, a father who occasionally shows up for a few hours, and a Mom who strives to hold it all together. She has lawyer Natalie and court-appointed psychotherapist Theresa.

Sara is being charged with the harassment and assault of Emma Putnam. Emma is dead.

Brielle and Sara made it their goal in life to make Emma Putnam's life hell. Why? Pretty, vivacious Emma seemed to have it all. On top of that, she stole Sara's boyfriend Dylan. The harass Emma as she enters school, they block her locker, insult her and write SLUT in lipstick across her locker. Sara and Brielle cannot seem to get enough.

Sara maintains that she did nothing wrong, but should she take a plea agreement? What about her approaching 18th birthday? What about her future?

Tease by Amanda Maciel, 2014

I was disgusted by the girls' insatiable desire for nastiness and complete lack of remorse. I like that the author alternates chapters between the time they bullied Emma and the lawsuit that follows her death.