Find New York Times Bestsellers at NYPL - January 27th, 2013

For the week of January 27, 2013 we have hardcover fiction, hardcover non-fiction, and hardcover advice & misc.

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Week of January 27, 2013


Hardcover Fiction

  1. A Memory Of Light, by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson    
  2. Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn     
  3. Tenth Of December, by George Saunders
  4. Kinsey & Me, by Sue Grafton
  5. Collateral Damage, by Stuart Woods



Hardcover Nonfiction

  1. Killing Kennedy, by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard            
  2. My Share Of The Task, by Stanley McChrystal
  3. No Easy Day, by Mark Owen with Kevin Maurer
  4. Thomas Jefferson, by Jon Meacham
  5. The World Until Yesterday, by Jared Diamond



Hardcover Advice & Misc.

  1. Shred: The Revolutionary Diet, by Ian K. Smith   
  2. The Plan, by Lyn-Genet Recitas
  3. Ninja Innovation, by Gary Shapiro
  4. Wheat Belly Cookbook, by William Davis
  5. Fat Chance, by Robert H. Lustig

For more information on this week's best sellers, visit the New York Times website and check out the full list. There is also a special section for Best Sellers in the Library's catalog, BiblioCommons.