Reader’s Den

October Reader's Den: "Ready Player One" Week 3

Welcome back to Week 3 of the Reader’s Den for the book Ready Player One. Here are a few questions you may have thought about while reading this book. If you think of something I haven’t, please post a comment. See you next week for the wrap-up of this book.

  1. Do you feel the world of Ready Player One is one that could come to pass or has the author taken license with what’s currently going on in society?
  2. If the OASIS existed would people now embrace it like in the book or was it a product of the environment?
  3. Is the modern Web on its way to becoming the OASIS or is it just a less fancy version of it?
  4. If you could buy technology to play a character in your favorite movie would you?
  5. Do you think the scenes of corporate indentured servitude were a commentary on corporate culture today or a view into the future?
  6. Do you wish the author had included anything from the '80s that was not in the book?
  7. The author has reported the book is on its way to becoming a movie. Do you feel the book would translate to film well or does it need major changes to make it work?