Kids are Authors at the 67th Street Library!

The fourth and final week of the 67th Street Library's Dream Big Imagination Academy has ended with a bang and several short stories! Each day from Tuesday through Friday these promising young writers met at the library from 1-4 p.m. as part of this free writer's workshop for 9-12 year olds. And with the support and guidance of several local authors, these up and coming talents realized their dreams as we spent the week celebrating fiction!

Tuesday began with local author Matt Myklusch sharing not only his own experiences with both novels and screenplays, but imparting tips used by the animation giant Pixar when they face challenges in writing good stories. Wednesday came with children's series author Ann Hood sharing the excitement and challenge of writing aspects of historical fiction by having the Academy research a historical figure of choice using library resources and then include that person in a short story!

Thursday brought local children's illustrator Melanie Hope Greenberg who added ideas and input to the tricky mix of both writing and illustrating a book. And the week culminated in a Friday celebration with the Academy using what they had gleaned from the week to settle in and write a complete short story, decorate the cover, and then proudly share their work with the group. This program has been an incredible platform for young writers to fulfill their dreams, and it happened here, at the New York Public Library!

This program is made possible by a generous donation by Mr. and Mrs. David Freedman.



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Thank You 67 St Library!

So happy you invited me to present for young people. Very rewarding!