
Looking for Something Lost: Mark Van Doren in the Village

The seven sleepers, and other poems., Digital ID 496018, New York Public LibraryMark Van Doren edited and published An Anthology of World Poetry in 1929. Amazingly, this enabled him to buy the house at 393 Bleecker Street. Van Doren was a poet himself and a playwright and a greatly admired professor at Columbia University.

Mark Van Doren's birthday is June 13.

JSTOR and the Poetry Foundation are collaborating to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Poetry. You can access pageviews of all issues of Poetry magazine going back to 1912.

Here is a poem of his published in the January 1968 issue.

"Looking for Something Lost"

Looking for something lost is mind
And matter playing a game. (read more...)


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Mark Van Doren

The Collected and New Poems of Mark Van Doren and his final volume "Good Morning" is a vast treasure of some of the finest works of the 2oth century. More please.