April 2012 NYPL Blog Highlights

April, Digital ID 1547079, New York Public LibraryApril, Digital ID 1547079, New York Public LibraryA is for April (the month that just took place. The one with all the wonderful blog posts?) and American Museum of Natural History.

B is for Business Books, Bernstein Book Award, Billy Parrott, and Billy Parrott.

C is for 1940 Census, Color, and Corn.

D is for DVDs and Samuel R. Delany.

E is for Effective Employment Strategies and Earthworms.

F is for Loïe Fuller, Financial Advisors, and Frank McHugh.

G is for Gilded Love, Games, and Guilty Pleasure Playlists.

H is for Haiti's Patent Law, Henry James, LES Heritage, and Hunger Games Chicken Salad.

I is for Iceland Moss, Immigration, and Pico Iyer.

J is for Joe Brainard and Jobs for People Over 50.

K is for Kingsbridge Teens' Recommendations.

L is for Lists, List Poems, Laughs, Low Cost Legal Services, and Little House on the Prairie of Horrors.

M is for Música, Memoirs, May Sarton, Menus, Middle School and Meatloaf.

N is for Novedades and Noël Coward.

O is for Dance Oral History.

P is for Poetry, Patron Requests, Pulitzer Prize, The Pink Lady, and Programming.

R is for Red Knit Cap Girl.

S is for Survival Tips, S.S. President Johnson, Shakespeare Week, and Sculpture.

T is for Titanic (books, music and the movie), Tornados, Tax Tips, and Transmissions from the Timothy Leary Papers.

W is for Edmund White, Watercolors, West Indian Roots, and Wikipedia.

X is for X-Men.

Y is for You Know Nothing of My Work!

Z is for "How to Save a Life" by Sara Zarr.

NYPL has been actively blogging since 2007. There are currently over 2,705 posts that serve as a knowledge base of the collections, services, and expertise of 100 librarians and staff from more than 65 departments, libraries and research divisions. About NYPL Blogs.