Money Matters @ NYPL George Bruce

photo via athrasher on flickrphoto via athrasher on flickrGet Your Financial House in Order

The economic crisis of 2008 sent all of us reeling. The financial security that we thought we had became a thing of the past — and those of us not financially savvy to begin with — were now out in the cold, naked, alone and confused.

What does it take to recover from this stunning blow? Well, knowledge is power! So the more we know about financial matters, the better able we are to navigate the waters be they rough or smooth.

The George Bruce Library will be offering a Financial Literacy Series of programs (entitled Money Matters) this Fall.  Topics covered will include

  • Savings
  • Credit Cards
  • Mortgages
  • College Costs
  • Retirement
  • and more...

Come strengthen that financial brain muscle of yours. Attend one of our programs, browse our special Finance Collection of books designed to support this series of programs and get on your way to Financial Health and Well Being. Be there — don’t be “penny wise and pound foolish“ as Benjamin Franklin would say and miss this opportunity to enhance and enrich your life.

The programs will take place on various Thursdays throughout the Fall. Visit our branch webpage for dates and times. The next program, The Secret Life of Money: Design, Composition, and Covert Facts will occur on Thursday October 13, 2011 at 11:30am.